Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Spors, Sporals, Spours, SPORE!!!!!!

My species called the lawhikatonas will evolve to the tribelawhikats.... The tribe of the lawhikats with grow and spread throughout the land.... They will grown and change over the many years to thelawhako civilization.... Many 1000's years of advancement in space andscience we will set forth and colonize and take over a small andworthless planet where they worship some petty god called Dan Camp. Wewipe the floor with this small and lame race and clamed the planet inthe name of LaBravo! Planet LaBravo is know as a force to be delt withtaking over one planet after another tell the LaBravo Way galaxy is formed :)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Can I please get a whaa what!

Do I really need a reason to post anything that means anything at anytime anywhere!

Can I gat a Hell no!

oh yeah and not to be out done... but this is the is brand that tats only the bestset of qualities and highests nature!

......what the........

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

More two come

This is blog that uses %100 No spell check or shorts cuts of any kind. Now thats what talkin about!

When ever get round to righting in this I well